



北京航空航天大学教授Professor Jung-Sik Kim 讲座


        北航 Jung-Sik Kim教授来访学校,于2024年9月12日下午4:00 在出版大厦6楼第一会议室举行讲座,报告题目为:H2 gas sensors: its scientific foundations, IP & commercialisation. 


Professor Jung-Sik Kim

TitleH2 gas sensors: its scientific foundations, IP & commercialisation


  Solid oxide fuel cell technology is not only be developed for an energy device, but also could be utilized for a gas sensor. The report will share the insights of scientific progression for the gas sensor development led by Prof J-S Kim.


 Professor Jung-Sik Kim at Beihang University is an internationally well experienced scientist with proven research track record in energy materials and their applicable systems.  Has led research of international standing in Built-in Electric Field (BIEF) to realise superconductivity of ions for energy devices and embedded sensing.  Responsible for establishing a new research activity at universities of Loughborough(UK)/Beihang(China), and built up an international profile and a team of six research workers whose skills span materials, chemical and mechanical engineering.  Nurtures a group ethos to carry concepts through to demonstrations that support research-informed teaching.  Is passionate about bringing the new energy technologies into the mainstream of UG/PG teaching.  Using own invention of embedded micro-/nano-temperature measurement, THERMONO©, has paved a new way to understanding fundamental charge creation/diffusion at material interfaces and their thermally driven electro-mechano-chemical behaviour.  


In high temperature SOFCs (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells), the performance of the cell can be altered by the variation in the temperature distribution throughout the cell/stack. Conventional thermocouples can provide limited information depending its location in the system. The investigation utilized own developed a multi-junction thermal array (MCTA) sensor to read out the true temperature of the SOFCs whilst working. In this work, the sensitivity of MCTA sensor is assessed. It is directly attached to the cathode surface of the anode-supported SOFC to monitor the temperature of the electrode during temperature ramping, OCV changes during anode reduction. MCTA sensor based readings reveals an area-selected reduction process as well as the effects of direct oxidation on cell’s local temperature.

Beyond this point to exploit the sensor attached SOC, developed an electrochemical fuel cell based sensor for monitoring of gas contents such as hydrogen, in a hydrogen-natural (H2/NG) gas mixture to determine the calorific value of the H2/NG mixture. This device traces the hydrogen content within the (predominantly methane) stream, and provides an output current reading which correlates to the level of hydrogen in the stream. Present systems for inspecting gas composition to a necessary accuracy (eg. chromatography) are expensive due to their complexity and are not suitable for use in the field, which impedes their wider adoption. Kim and his group are looking to demonstrate an economical, robust and compact sensing platform which consists of H2 sensing and temperature sensing that can be deployed in point-of-use environments.